Home > Talking Movement Public Performance 2012
November 11, 2012
The ensemble of Talking Movement, with percussionist Walter Maclean, take a bow.
Talking Movement Public Performance Excerpts 2012 [2016] approx. 13 minutes
After two years of exciting development, we staged a 45 minute public performance of Talking Movement at the Al Green Theatre in Toronto. The final ensemble included Melissa Addison-Webster, Sheila Boyd, Wanda Fitzgerald, Durelle Harford McAllister, Anna MacLean, Heryka Miranda, Peter Owusu-Ansah, Jenelle Rouse, Ali Saeedi, Luka Sidaravicius and percussionist Walter Maclean. Here are excerpts from the production.
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Heryka and Durelle clutch each end of a white cane and pull while three others are frozen in different poses; all inside a halo of light.
Tableau of Luka slouched on bridge chair, feet on second chair; Durelle stands and stares at him; behind three others stand staring at each other.
Luka and Durelle stand side by side on bridge chairs gazing at each other; behind three others stand staring at each other.
Pete and Ali each piggyback laughing Melissa and Heryka in a romp; behind them four others stand and watch.
Five ensemble members repeat a circular scooping motion with arms and clasped hands; Melissa behind them in wheelchair.
Ensemble performs a funky walk across the stage and back, arms raised and elbows crooked.
Ensemble members seated on the floor legs outstretched, continue funky arm motions while dragging themselves across the floor.
Ensemble stands in loose line facing audience, Melissa lies on floor in front clutching her legs to her chest; stage left percussionist Walter MacLean with his gear.
Ensemble members prance and play using their bamboo poles, stage right four of them huddle around wheelchair with poles.
Ensemble in tight cluster centre stage hold imaginary orbs while percussionist Walter MacLean tiptoes towards them, wooden shaker in one hand.
Ensemble of Talking Movement with percussionist Walter Maclean takes a bow, holding raised hands facing audience.