Picasso PRO Launch/Workshops 2006 – 2007
January 15, 2006
Picasso PRO Launch [2016] approx. 28 minutes
Beginning with our Launch in 2006, Picasso PRO takes you on a whirlwind tour of select training workshops and creative processes which informed the growth of our inter-abilities collaborations. We expanded the range and numbers of participating artists, encouraging Deaf and disability-led leadership while enjoying new partnerships among diverse artists who had not previously worked together. We also produced our first full theatre production - The Dispute.
Photo gallery images are from the workshop Voice as Essential Instrument in Creation with specialist Fides Krucker.
Participant credits at the end of video below.
Image Gallery
Ash stands on grand piano arms outstretched vocalizing, Fides at keyboard. At the CP Salon Vancouver Workshop.
Allan stands behind seated Helen arms encircling her chest and belly; they breathe together.
Mayahuel sits, back slumped against Irena also seated, Irena encircles her torso from behind; crutches lie on floor.
Kazumi stands behind Anthony standing, one hand on Anthony's belly; they breathe and vocalize together.
Allan stands leaning against Helen seated behind him, she holds him while they breathe together.
Artists work in pairs on floor mats, taking turns exchanging roles during exercises; Fides observes.
Paul stands behind seated Michelle encircling her torso with his arms as they work together.
Fides at piano faces Paul, they vocalize together, arms raised to release energy; Kaz stands and mirrors arm movements, Allan seated watches.
Four artists cluster around Michelle at the piano making body contact with her while she vocalizes with Fides.
Group clusters around Fides at keyboard while she plays; Kaz and Anthony make contact with vibrations resting their heads on piano lid.
Tracy faces artist in wheelchair enfolds him in her arms; Fides and others watch; Regina Workshop for CP Salon.
Participants stand arms linked in a semi-circle around Fides at grand piano, singing together, Regina Workshop CP Salon.