Picasso PRO Launch/Workshops 2006 – 2007[2016] approx. 28 minutes
Ring of Fire
In 2014 Picasso PRO was invited by Curator Emelie Chhangur of the Art Gallery of York University [AGYU] and Artist in Residence Marlon Griffith to collaborate with them and an array of other arts and cultural groups on an ambitious year long project to culminate in a large scale public procession, based on the tradition of carnival “mas” during the ParaPanAm Games in Toronto 2015. The project amplified the connections and solidarity among various marginalized communities. Our excitement at engaging with so many other compatible communities in an inclusive environment made the decision to jump in fairly easy, very exciting and emotionally rich. [see related Press Release for full background, details, names and context]. We were invited in because of our community reach and ...