Ensemble performs Ritual Dance during 2008 Training Summit.

Welcome into Picasso PRO's online world of Deaf, disability and integrated art practice.

This is where we share our creative history, learning tools, accessible approaches and cultural values with you! Our goal is to see inclusive practice become the 'new normal' and this site is a key tool in our change toolbox.

Learn more about Picasso PRO or press shift + enter at www.picassopro.org/about

A women signing the mission of Picasso PRO.
Fides at piano faces Paul, arms raised to release energy; Kaz mirrors arm movements behind.


Picasso PRO Launch/Workshops 2006 – 2007

[2016] approx. 28 minutes

Beginning with our 2006 launch, Picasso PRO features training workshops and creative processes which inform our inter-abilities collaborations.